11 April, 2014

Renewable energy Source - Wind energy, what are the pros and cons of Wind energy?

Renewable energy Source - Wind energy, what are the pros and cons of Wind energy?

What is wind? 

 Wind can be define as natural movement of the air, especially in the form of a current of air blowing in a particular direction, or in simple words we can say that the wind is nothing but the flow of gases or air.

What is wind Energy?  What are the sources of Wind Energy?

The kinetic energy associated with the movement of air is known as ‘Wind Energy’. This wind is a result of uneven heating of atmosphere by the sun, creating temperature and pressure gradient, the irregularities of the earth's surface, and rotation of the earth. Around 2 % of all solar radiation falling on the surface of the earth is converted into kinetic energy of the atmosphere, 30 % of which occur in the lowest 1,000 m of elevation. It is thus an indirect form of solar energy. Wind energy is clean and eco-friendly source of energy.

How Wind Power Is Generated?

 The terms "wind energy" or "wind power" describe the process by which the wind is used to generate mechanical power or electricity. Wind turbines convert the kinetic energy in the wind into mechanical power. This mechanical power can be used for specific tasks (such as grinding grain or pumping water) or a generator can convert this mechanical power into electricity to power homes, businesses, schools.A generator coupled to wind turbine is known as aero generator. Very slow winds are useless, having no possibility of power generation. On the other hand, very strong stormy winds cannot be utilized due to the safety of turbine. Moderate to high speed winds, typically from 5 m/s to about 25 m/s are considered favorable for most wind turbines. The global potential in winds for large scale grid connected power generation has been estimated as 9,000 x 1012 Wh/year. It is also estimated that favorable winds for small scale applications such as wind pumps, battery chargers, heaters etc. are available on about 50 % of earth's surface, which means small scale wind turbines can be practical in many parts of the world. 

What are the pros and cons of Wind energy?Pros

Wind energy is a clean source of energy. It will not affect the environment by releasing the greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide (CO2), chlorofluorocarbons (CFC), methane (CH4) etc.Wind is free source of energy, and it is abundantWind energy is a useful way of generating electricity in remote areas that are not connected to the main electricity grid.Wind energy requires relatively low maintenance (usually needed just twice a year for a total of 40 hrs/year).Wind energy reduces our dependence on fossil fuels up to certain extent.


1.    Major limitation of wind energy is that, it is not a consistent source of energy.  it varies from zero to storm force. It means the wind turbines do not produce the same amount of electricity all the time.
2.    Severe storms or extremely high winds might cause damage to your wind turbine, especially when they are struck by lightning.
3.    Though wind power is non-polluting. Wind turbines create a sound that averages around 60 decibels, which indirectly contributes to noise pollution.
4.    Like most tall non-natural structures, wind turbines have a negative impact on birds, which can be killed or injured through collision with the rotating blades.
5.    Wind turbines cause interference to nearby televisions (TV's within a couple of kilometers of the wind turbine). This can be frustrating for people whom have problem getting a clear image on the TV.

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